Long story short:
Wake up: 6:44
Breakfast: grapes, the fricking chicken, and peanut milk
Class: The teacher handed back on 听写 and then said: “Everyone got this character right. Except Hayley.” Thanks Laoshi. Also, everyone in our class was late so that was fun.
Riddles: I asked my friends riddles and then offered to buy pocky to the first person who solved them. Tbh I’m not sure why I made this offer, but it was probably because I wanted someone to actually solve them. I think the best part about the riddles were that they stumped Prindle. If anyone cares they were the following: OTTFFSS_NT – fill in the missing letter There is a light bulb in a closet upstairs and a light switch with three switches downstairs. Only one of the switches will turn on the light bulb in the closet. You need to figure out which switch turns on the light bulb, but you may only go upstairs and open the closet door one time; however, you may flip the light switches as many times as you wish. You cannot see the light bulb from the light switches, so the answer is not go upstairs, leave the door open, and the check all the switches. This riddle involves no mirrors—just simple logic. Golf claps to Josie, Ines, and Justin for solving the riddles.
Lunch: Lunch squad went on a mission to find an ATM mainly because I was down to 150 RMB and I didn’t want to deal with the bank. And, because the ATMs are close to the university store, we hit that place up afterwards and I bought 408 RMB worth of shit with my lunch card. I’m so happy. I got myself a lettermen jacket, my dad a Nanjing university mug, and my Chinese teacher a fancy pen. The best part is that it was free. #thankstaxpayers
Drama: We’re performing a Chinese drama on Friday. For some reason Wu Laoshi thinks we can memorize theses lines, but she’s funny. Thankfully I have a character with like ten really short lines. #Blessed.
IOPPs: Thanks for bring food Anushka
Escape room: Jessica and I went to an escape room after school, and I think it would have been more fun if the clues were in English (derp), but also if it was organized a little better. It wasn’t a bad experience, but it wasn’t the best thing I’ve done in China. I’d give it a 5/10 would kind of recommend.
Dinner: Jessica invited me to eat dinner with her host fam and they fed me duck blood soup. I’m disturbed because I didn’t dislike the duck blood. Like who thought: mmm… you know what would be great? Congealed duck blood!