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China Day 54

I heard my roommate’s alarm go off this morning, but I’ve gotten to the point where I’m actually able to block it out because I fell back to sleep pretty much instantly. The good news is that I didn’t feel like absolute shit this morning—I’m still sick, but I could have felt a lot worse, so I’ll take my blessings where I can get them.

The lesson today was about western vs Chinese medicine. Again, the book is back with the propaganda because it’s like “western medicine treats the body like a machine and only fixes the symptoms instead of the actual problem while Chinese medicine treats the body as a whole.” Basically, it’s like “if your head hurts, fix the foot.”

During the break, I was texting my college roommates, and Janesha mentioned how your freshman student ID will probably look bad. I tried to type “mine looks like I’ve done every single hard drug at once” but my phone auto corrected to say “it looks like I’ve done every single hard drug at CLS.” Thanks for that one iPhone.

Since we didn’t have drill 2, Yang Laoshi bought us sushi and let us work on homework. It was such a nice gift and I’m really going to miss her.

We didn’t eat lunch because we were full from the treat, so Cayleigh, Hannah, and I went to shidalu to get milk tea from the cat place. We then we to go print photos, but had to have John help us since he has a Chinese bank account. I had him print a photo of our class with Li Laoshi and Yang Laoshi so we can give it to them tomorrow along with our cake.

Newspaper was just a discussion about cultural differences.

When I got back to the dorms, I worked on homework and level grinded in Runescape. I went and sat in Korey’s room with him until we had to go to our final dinner. So, Hannah was supposed to come to Korey’s room, but she was too busy being comfortable in her own room When it was time to go, she messaged me and said that she was going to come to my room so we could walk down together.

I wanted to type in: “I’m in Korey’s room” but midway through, my brain changed its mind to “but come over anyway.” I was not paying attention to what I was typing, so when I looked down, I realized I was about to send “I’m in Korey’s but” because somehow I managed to skip the word “room.” Good job Hayley.

We went to some restaurant close to the east gate. It wasn’t anything special, although we did have to film an introduction of ourselves. Also, Rachel got her tattoo and it looks awesome.

After dinner, Hannah and I went to go buy the cakes, and originally, we wanted to get a big one, but we couldn’t do that since it wouldn’t be ready until tomorrow, so we went with two small pieces of chocolate cake instead.

Afterward, we went on a mission to find flowers to give to Yang Laoshi, but the flower place was close, so we decided to try the 超市 instead. We got sent on the runaround because the store worker didn’t know where the flowers are, but they lose face if they don’t know. She ended up sending us to the furthest possible location, and if my Chinese was better, I would have gone back down and said: “Oh we couldn’t find the flowers; could you show us?”

And on another note, when we asked if they had flowers, she couldn’t understand us, so we just started saying hua with different tones.

By the time we got back to the dorms, we had to practice our performance for Friday. It’s not bad, but it’s not great either. We’ll see.

I had everyone come to my room to sign the photos from our teachers, and Cayleigh came later this evening. We were talking about the newspaper oral tomorrow and I showed her my presentation. I forgot all the weird inside jokes I had in there from Nanjing, but I’m not going to take them out. Also forgot that I put Phoenix Wright characters in there so that’s my b.

I ended up showing Cayleigh most of my power points and giving her a deeper look on who I was as a child. She left saying I’m a person of very specific talents, which I think is the best way to describe me.

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