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China Day 41

I’m not into the lesson at all; there’s too much business, and none of the words are sticking in my head.

Break was interesting because we started talking about gay culture. Cayleigh and I told the other’s that slang for a gay man is “short sleeve” because China had this really gay emperor. His lover and him were napping, and the emperor had to go to a meeting. Since his lover was asleep on his sleeve, and he didn’t want to wake him, the emperor cut off his sleeve.

We got on this topic of conversation because last night Daniel sent 我喜欢同志们 in the group chat, and while it technically means “I like comrades” wechat translated it to “I like gays” because 同志们 is now used as a slang term for gay.

For drill two, we had a cathartic talk about the SAT, ACT, and 高考. We talked about how applying for college in China is easier than applying to colleges in America, but the catch is that the 高考 is way more stressful than the SAT and ACT.

The test is scored on a scale of 750, and to get into Beijing University, you have to score a 710-720 or higher, which is absolutely insane. So, anyone who goes there is either really smart, or knows the system. I asked about Nanjing University since that’s where I studied last year, and their scores are around 680. So basically I can say I studied at a really prestigious university.陕师大 is around 550, which sounds like my type of school.

We had to do a mock interview, and I was paired with Li Laoshi. Me, Hannah, and Cayleigh had a silly squabble about who would be with Li Laoshi. Nothing against her, but she’s the teacher lol. It actually turned out to be better though because she went easy on me and we ended up cracking a lot of jokes.

I tried something new for lunch today. It was a chicken wrap with lettuce, and it was BOMB. I will be getting it again tomorrow.

We went to GCUP after lunch (I need to stop spending money), and then walked to newspaper class. Cayleigh hadn’t been feeling well, so she went back to the dorm to rest, so it was just me, Logan, and Katey today.

The head teacher actually came in to our room to watch our discussion, and it wasn’t as rough as it could have been for me.

Midway through class, we got some really intense flash thunder storms.

We had 复习课 after newspaper, and we goofed off for 15 minutes by watching videos of our performances from Ningxia. Yang Laoshi was highly amused.

I had my 一对一second, so I sat with people and chatted. There was a bombing at the Beijing Embassy, which is crazy because Korey and Philly were there literally only two hours before it happened. And apparently, someone tried to light themselves on fire. We don’t really know what happened, but only the bomber was injured. We think it might have just been someone trying to commit suicide, but that’s just speculation.

So, Hannah had 一对一 first, and I thought she was walking out the door, so I planned to “jump scare” her. Turns out, it was the teacher that opened the door, so I made things really awkward for a hot second. That was one me, oops.

I did my homework, and then Hannah and I walked back to the dorms together.

Since I don’t like studying, I wrote the essay for this week and then played runescape until Logan texted me and asked if I wanted to join him, John, and Katey for chicken sandwiches on shidalu.

Honestly, it was the best thing ever, and it was only five kuai.

The four of us did some walking around an underdeveloped mall and then found a food market. It was cool to see a new part of the city even if it was only across the street from us.

We headed back to the dorms, and then I spent a long time on runescape (while studying of course). I managed to get my levels up (20 in defense and attack and 21 in strength.) Kevin, Korey, Hannah, Mike, and I have a runescape group chat, and the master plan to lure people in and get their shit lol.

In other random news, Korey and Hannah still owe me money, and Korey keeps joking that I’m not getting my money until he gets his from Danny. So, I made a group chat with Kevin, Korey, Holden, and Logan and named it “Danni plz give them money.” I don’t their ever going to see that 25 kuai because he won’t break a 100.

Also, Hannah and Korey, I’m outing you; please give me $10.

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