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China Day 42

I ran into Rachel while walking to class this morning. She told me she was stopping in the 餐厅 to get breakfast, and I almost continued walking to class because I didn’t want to be late for the test, but I then found out our tests start at 9:00 and not 8:50, so I’ve been waking up early for no reason.

The test actually wasn’t bad despite me playing Runescape for three hours while studying. While the content of the test went from 0 to 100 real quick, I found myself better able to answer the grammar questions. I’m not sure if they’re right, but I feel like I may have done less guesswork this time?

I’ll tell you what did kick my ass was the reading section. I couldn’t understand any of the details because it was a business letter, so I just used context clues to answer the questions.

I was actually second for the 口语考试 this time, and Yang Laoshi and I had a solid conversation about language learning and tough love. She also explained the difference between 恐怕 and 害怕, so now I can start using those correctly. I stalled for probably 10 minutes talking about nothing. She told me that my speaking is improving and that my tingxies are really good now. I’m proud of myself and glad that she thinks I’m improving.

Yang Laoshi told me I improved on not saying “um” doing my orals, but that was only because I memorized it this time. I can’t take credit for that improvement. I tried to use grammar, but I used it kind of wrong. At least the content of my oral was good.

I waited around for Hannah to finish her oral and then we went to shidalu to get some chicken sandwiches and drinks. 10/10 would recommend lunch date.

While we were talking, this guy stopped us and was like “Are you guys Chinese because your English is really good!” We got a laugh out of that and explained that we were Americans studying Chinese at shanshida. So, this guy spoke really soft and we were kind of far away from him, so I couldn’t really hear if he was asking if we understood his Chinese. I thought that’s what he was saying, but I wanted to make sure. He ended up switching into English, and we both were just like “oh yes! 明白!” Which, in itself is ironic because we clearly did not.

We went back to my room the play Runescape before wushi, and Korey joined us after he got back from applying for his visa. Literally, he’s not getting it until August 8th and we’re leaving August 11th. Talk about cutting it close.

Also, thanks Korey for buying Hannah and me “I heart Beijing” shirts, but I think the best part was your haggling story lol.

Wushi wasn’t bad; Korey and Hannah both put me in a choke hold, but they taught me how not to die if someone were to ever put me in that situation IRL.

The wushu teacher is so cool, and I wish I actually like wushu. Hannah and I had a conversation with him after class as we tried and failed to explain that we’re adopted. At one point, I just said: “we’re one child policy kids.”

Also, Hannah is boss at wushu—that is all.

We had to do “pair fighting” and I didn’t have a partner, so I legit ran away for a few minutes. When I came back, the teacher saw me trying to dash out again, and I was paired with Meng Meng, and she’s so small. She’s probably 4’10” at best, but she could still kick my ass.

We walked back to the dorms, and all of us played Runescape. Korey and I played in his room while we waited for Hannah to get her shit together.

Around 7:20, we met downstairs to go get dinner with a bunch of other people. It was supposed to be BBQ, but the place was small and crowded, so we went to hot pot instead. 10/10 on the mushrooms.

I got back to the dorms and then slept for 10 years.

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