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China Day 7

Long story short:

  • How time flies: It’s hard to believe it’s been a week since I started living with my host family; I’m shocked at how well I’ve managed.

  • Wake up: 6:55

  • GIVE ME THE JAM FAM: I woke up early this morning so I could take with my natural parents, so that was fun. I gave them a tour of my bathroom since it’s the best wifi stop aside from the living room.

  • Breakfast: more salad with thousand island; when will it end??

  • Mall: I took my host sister to meet my friends for ice skating at 新街口. We meet at 南京大学 and then took the purple line to the blue line. The subway for the purple line (my line) is so much nicer than the blue one, which is stuffy and kind of dirty looking; however the terminal is much cooler. The bigger subway terminals are basically airport hubs with tons of food and shops. The exits are much more intricate as well as you can enter the mall directly from the subway station. And oh my god the mall. It was the more grandiose thing I’ve ever seen. I’m pretty sure there were seven floors, and every store was some designer brand from America. For example: the cars on display were Teslas. I’m so shook. Ice skating was a lot of fun, except I’m literally not spending any money this week because now I’m down to $50? Idk, but I seriously need to chill. But, back to ice skating, I held my sister’s hand the whole time because she was afraid of falling. She improved really fast, and by the end of it was up to speed. I tried to give her confidence in her abilities, but I don’t think I communicated that very well rip. Also, thanks Densley and Justin for slingshotting me across the rink. Falling aside and getting a cold butt, being whipped around the ice was pretty fun. Besides, I got some hella good ice cream afterwards, so it was worth it. (I seriously gotta stop spending money). I think my problem is: wow this is so cheap compared to America, but I really should be thinking “this is expensive for China” so oops.

  • Lunch: I had lunch with my host parents’ friends and they offered my alcohol several times and called me a banana. Aside from being gossiped about, the food was really good. I had goose (satan’s messenger), potatoes (YASSS), and some white rice.

  • Home: I took my usual weekend nap lol

  • Dinner: hella good white rice mixed with onions and other veggies plus some chicken soup

  • Ice cream: my host sister and I attempted to make ice cream, but it didn’t work too well lol. My host sister always tells me to follow my heart when doing something I’m unsure about, so she was saying she was following her heart in making the ice cream since neither of us knew what we were doing. When it didn’t turn out she laughed and said “maybe I shouldn’t follow my heart” and I died a little.

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