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China Day 49

I didn’t want to get up from bed this morning since I only got six and a half hours of sleep, but that’s the price you pay when you bond with your roommate over the pains of standardize testing.

I was planning on going to the classroom like I normally do in the morning, but I ran into Deanna in the elevator, so I walked with her to get breakfast. Eventually we ran into the entire 300 class minus Hannah, so I waited for everyone to get their breakfast before actually heading to class.

The test was kind of rough. It was harder than usual because there was a lot of grammar from previous lessons, and there where characters that I recognized but couldn’t remember the meanings of, etc. This final is going to be rough.

It took me the full two hours to complete the test this time, and one week I finished the test in an hour if that says anything.

I was the first to finish the written part of my test, and Yang Laoshi tried to get my to come into the classroom immediately to do the oral, but I wasn’t ready because normally I use the 15-20 minutes after I finish to review the topic. She asked if I was prepared, and I looked at her and just said “Haha, no. Can you give me five minutes please?”

She laughed, but actually allowed that. I looked over the grammar that I needed to say and sucked it up.

My oral actually went pretty well (4.9 out of 5!) She then lectured me about the OPI and how I should prepare. My logic behind the OPI is that you shouldn’t prepare because it’s a test of what you know, so by preparing, you’re not getting an authentic score. I think you should speak about what you know, and if you don’t know the word, figure out how to get around it.

Yang Laoshi disagreed, and then started asking me mock questions. When I told her I didn’t know how to say my film classes in Chinese, she looks at me and says “and this is why you should prepare.” I guess she has a point.

Phil sent us a text with the OPI time slots, and then drew names for the evening time slots since there were only eight of them. I could have woken up early to take my OPI, but I value sleep too much, so I let him put my name in the drawing.

Thankfully, mine was the second name to be pulled so I didn’t even have to worry. I wanted the 9 PM time on Monday, but someone swiped that before I could, so I went with the 10 PM time on Monday instead. At least I’ll be getting it over with.

After the test, I went back to the dorms with Korey, and he mentioned that he and his roommate were going to see some jellyfish. My roommate ran into us on the walk back (thank god because I forgot my wallet this morning), and Korey told her about the jellies.

So, we get back to the dorm, and we’re waiting on Hannah so we can all toss our laundry in together, and my roommate starts asking me about the jellyfish. She kept saying “so, are you going with Korey to see the jellies?” And I was confused as to why she was asking, because I was under the assumption that it was a him and his roommate thing.

I tried to tell her that, but she was like “no, no, you should go.” It almost felt like I was inviting myself, which was kind of uncomfortable, so I texted him and asked if it was just a him and his roommate thing, or if other people were going. He said he thought it was a him and his roommate thing, but then five minutes later was like “lol it’s a my roommate and me plus you and your roommate thing?” I told my roommate that we could go see the jellies, but then she said “no I’m not going, you’re going. Also, Hannah’s going.”

Again, more confusion, but I texted Hannah about the jellies. I think what happened is that the roommates know the three of us spent a lot of time together, so they kind of us just lump us together for activities. The same happened when I came up to Hannah’s room to watch saw, and she invited me to this cooking thing, followed by “Korey and his roommate will be invited as well since the three of yall are friends.” I’m not upset by this “package deal” thing lol.

When Hannah got back, we dumped our clothes in the washing machine (not sure how all three of us fit our stuff in there, but it worked), and then Hannah and I went to get lunch on shidalu. We went to the Muslim place and then went to go get our drinks afterwards.

When we were walking back, we saw Korey, Kevin, and Holden, and I chose to ignore them just because they were all chatting, but as we’re passing, I hear Korey “shit talking us” and right as he said “yeah those nerds can’t even hear us” I turned around to give him a look. The look on their faces was pretty good.

Hannah and I saw Faith and Deanna when we were walking to get our drinks, and Hannah wanted to scare them, but I wanted to start saying lude things at them to see if they would notice. The did of course, but my hope was that they would think some rando was just yelling rude things at them. It half worked lol.

We got back, got our laundry, and then I killed in Korey’s room with him and Kevin and played runescape for two or three hours.

We went to the jellies with around 5:30. Hannah, Shiyi, and I got some cute pics outside the aquarium.

The place was kind of underwhelming, but we watched some polar bears place with a tube for a while. There were some penguins, wolves, and dolphins, but no jellies.

We did get to watch a lit dolphin performance though, so that was cool. We walked around some more, and then got on several buses as we tried to figure out where to eat.

We ended up going to some Muslim place, and had that soup I had with my roommate and my yuban the first week I was here. It’s not that I dislike it, but I’m not a fan of it either.

After we got back, we went to Hannah’s room to watch Saw 1. I’m not a fan of horror or gore, so I watched the parts I could and listened to the rest. Honestly, if I didn’t dislike gore, I would really enjoy the movie. I thought the plot was really good, and the whole mentality behind the traps and the killer was super cool.

I went to bed at 12:30, which was a mistake since I have to wake up at 5:00 tomorrow.


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