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China Day 40

Our breaks are now 20 minutes long, and honestly, I’m not complaining.

I’m not really feeling the unit we’re currently learning because it’s all about business, and I have no interest in that. And because our drill 2 follows the textbook lesson, I didn’t really have much to say.

Although, one of our prompts was something I would have had a lot of fun within English, but in Chinese, it was a little rougher. We had to pretend to be a representative of CLS speaking to accepted students at PDO and give them advice. I said that you might want to kill yourself week one as you adjust to everything, but it gets better and your Chinese will significantly improve. I also found a new chengyu which is 满载而归 (manzai ergui), and it means “to return from a rewarding journey.”

So, in the middle of my presentation, I had to pleco the word rewarding, which is how I found the chengyu, and Danny asked how I knew that. I kind of just looked at him and said: “you watched me use pleco, lol.”

Lunch was at the cafeteria and afterward, the girls went to go buy some snacks. I bought too much chocolate, but I was really craving it this afternoon. Everything I bought was average, but it took away my chocolate cravings, so I guess I shouldn’t complain.

I actually spoke in newspaper class today. We were talking about GMOs, and while I was thinking of something I learned in environmental science, I realized I knew how to say what I wanted in Chinese. I talked about some genetically modified rice that had extra nutrition in it, but the India government banned it because it was genetically modified.

Fact: I left my room key in my room, so I was locked out. I could have gone to the front desk, but I didn’t really feel like dealing with that, so I figured I’d just wait in Hannah’s room until she got back.

The one day my roommate decides to go out is the day I leave my room key. I could have had the room to myself all day, but no, I’m a dumbass.

Hannah and I did homework until 6:00 and then we went with her roommate and Cayleigh to get dinner. We went to the Muslim place on shidalu because you gotta get that 土豆牛肉米饭. Cayleigh and I split a plate, and while I could have eaten a plate by myself, it was cheaper this way lol.

Afterward, we went to get our hair done. Originally, I planned just to get it washed because I didn’t feel like dealing with the actual haircutting part. I have layers in my hair, and I didn’t want them to mess with those, but lol jokes on me because I ended up getting a haircut.

The washing of the hair is really nice because they massage your scalp while they do it.

It took them forever to cut my hair, and they did end up removing my layers, which means my hair is a good inch shorter now, but I think I really like it. I don’t like it when they blow dry my hair because it makes it straight but also frizzy, but after looking at it after I got out of the shower, I think I’m really digging it.

But the best part? It only cost 30 kuai for a wash and cut; that’s like 5 US. I’m living.

I got a drink from GCUP, and then we walked back to the dorms.

Fact: my roommate still wasn’t home, so I watched Hannah play Runescape for a little bit. I ended up leaving around 9:10 because I just wanted to go back to my room, but my roomie still wasn’t back. I probably sat in the hall for 5 minutes before she came, so not a long wait at all.

I played Runescape for the rest of the evening and leveled up my combat, woodcutting, and fire building skills.

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