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China Day 39

Nothing too excited happened this morning; even drill two was average. The only story to report there is that it’s hard to talk about film vocabulary because no one else is a film major. For example, I asked my yuban if she knew what a slate was (it’s the clapperboard), and I sent a picture of one. She said that she didn’t know what it was called in Chinese. Thankfully my roommate knew.

Today, I wrote C-Stand on the board, and of course, the teacher didn’t know the translation since it’s such a film specific vocab word. Daniel didn’t even realize what a C-Stand was until I drew it, and he’s a media studies major.

Cayleigh, Hannah, Rachel, Steven, and I got lunch on shidalu at some Korean place. I had some really good soup that translated to “random items with beef and soup.” I also order a banana smoothie, which is a 10/10 would recommend.

When I got to newspaper class, Logan and Katey were already there and sitting in the seats Cayleigh and I sat in yesterday, so moved further back because I didn’t really feel like sitting in the front row. The teacher totally called me out on that, and I somehow came up with the bluff of “the AC is closer if I sit back here.” When Cayleigh walked in, she said the exact same thing, so Logan just said that he and Katey would move up and sit in the front if it meant we’d sit closer.

Li Laoshi gave us jelly as a congrats for doing well on the big 报告, which was super nice. She sent us videos and pictures of ourselves after class, and I’m not going to lie, I look like I’m giving a TedTalk. I really should have ended with “thanks for listening to my TedTalk” but missed opportunities are missed opportunities.

I did my homework during my 一对一, and the teacher called me smart. I’ll take that as a win. We also had a brief conversation about the differences between Taobao and Amazon.

I finished my homework in my room and then got ice cream from the 超市 with my roomie. We talked about which movies we liked to watch, and we both agree that How to Train Your Dragon is a very good movie. I didn’t know how to say the movie in Chinese, so I just said it’s a kid’s movie followed by the word 龙, and somehow that was all the context she needed.

I studied for the tingxie and goofed off after that. Around 7:00 Cayleigh, Hannah, and I went out to get dinner. We stopped at a clothing shop beforehand and did some looking around. We then went and sat in a café and bought drinks. It was funny because there was no English on this menu (there normally is in the bigger places), so I sat there with pleco reading the translations to Cayleigh and Hannah. The waiter started laughing, but it was all in good humor. Nothing better than seeing a Chinese who can’t read translate a menu. I got some really good lemonade.

After the café, we went to eat seafood at this place off shidalu. It was really good but very garlicky.

I played Runescape from the rest of the night and leveled up in range, attack, defense, woodcutting, and fire building. #productive

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