It took 3 hours to present the 报告s and I think the best part about it was that one of the teachers actually feel asleep during it.
I got to the classroom around 8:35 because they told us to get there early in case there’s a technical issue with the power point. Hannah and Korey’s group did their presentation on google slides, which meant they had to download it from the internet to transfer it onto the flash drive. For some reason, they did not download it the night before, and none of us have WiFi on our computers in the classroom that we were presenting in.
Thankfully, I have a MacBook and an iPhone, which means it’s very easy for me to transfer data from my phone to my laptop. Long story short, a bunch of people ended up airdropping me their stuff.
Also, the VPNs weren’t working, or the download speed was taking forever. In the end, I had Mei share their powerpoint with me on google drive, airdropped it to my laptop, and then put it on a flash drive. For some reason, Korey’s computer kept corrupting the file, so you guys are welcome. (jk.)
My group ended up going last, and it was a trial to listen to three straight hours of presentation on roughly the same topic.

At the end, one of the teacher’s got up and started speaking, but I was too hungry, so I wasn’t actively listening. At some point, I heard her say Jason’s name, and then everyone started clapping. My initial thought was that Jason had won an award for best presentation, so I stood up to let up pass me, but then he told me to come up with him. I kept thinking “lol I didn’t win an award so why would I go up with you.” Turns out, our group was given “best overall presentation” or something like that. They gave us a cool notebook and pen combo.
We had pizza on the second floor, and the slices were literally the biggest thing I’ve ever seen. 10/10 would recommend.
Hannah, Korey, and I hung out in my room for the 30 minutes we had before wushu, and Korey taught us how to play Runescape.
Wushu wasn’t as bad as it could have been. We just worked on one combo for the hour and a half, and he gave us lots of breaks. At one point, he told us that we were going to have to do the combination by ourselves, so Amanda and I ran away to the bathroom. They were still going when we came back, but the guy was going down the line. I ended up sitting next to people who had already gone, and somehow that worked because he forgot to call on me.
Hannah, Korey, and I spent some time showing off our “skill set” aka Hannah proving that she can kick my ass, and Korey “putting me in a choke hold.” But, I did show Hannah and Korey how to do a shoulder roll and land into the “splits.” Hannah got it after a few attempts, but Korey could not because it was an “issue of flexibility” or something.
On the walk back from wusu, we stopped on shidalu to get some ice cream. I got a plain vanilla cone, and it was good. I should get ice cream more often.
We played Runescape in my room until 6:30, and then Hannah and I went to go meet with her yuban. We ate dinner together and then walked around the mall across from the 新西门. At some point during dinner, Korey asked what Hannah and I were doing since he wasn’t going to meet with his yuban until 8:00, and I sent a picture of us eating dinner.
So, Korey has a hat that he sometimes wears, and today he took it off while trying to figure out the presentation. I swiped it and have been wearing it all day, and he just noticed that it was his hate when I sent the picture of Hannah and I eating. Kevin even noticed it was his hat because he jokingly asked: “oh where’d you get that hat?” Oh boy.
We went to a few clothing stores, and I found a really cute dress, but it was marked at 500 yuan, and I don’t have that kind of money to blow. I’m pretty sure the saleswoman said she’d take it down 50%, but I told her no. Hannah’s yuban was laughing because she knew the woman was trying to scam us, so we left pretty quickly.
We found a KTV booth, and we did 15 minutes of really shitty, but really fun karaoke. We did Thinking Out Loud, You Belong With Me, Rolling in the Deep, and Say Something. Hopefully, we’ll have a good group that can go do actually KTV next weekend.

After the mall, we went to buy water and a cake for Korey’s birthday. We ended up buying a tiny chicken-shaped cake.
We went back to the dorms, showered, and then Hannah came us to my room so we could create ourselves in the sims. Korey and his roommate joined us later, and we had Korey blow out a pink candle.
The cake was really good, but it was so tiny. I guess we could have gotten a bigger one, but I didn’t really feel like play 100-200 kuai for a cake.
My roommate, plus Korey’s, plus us bought our tickets for 华山 (gaotie baby), and then we had Korey make himself in the sims. The house we made is half-assed, but oh whale.
I was telling Korey about the sleepcycle app I use, and I convinced him to get it. Hannah said it was great, but then proceeded to say why it “might be faulty.” Good advertising skills.
Overall, a solid day.