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China Day 34

Today was the definition of mundane. We practiced our 报告 during the three hours we normally have class. I thought I did okay when giving my presentation, but the teacher ended up rephrasing a lot of what I was going to say. Of course, she made it better, and I’m not complaining about the help she gave, but what I didn’t appreciate her saying was to tell me to stop saying “um.”

Yang Laoshi says the same to me all the time, and while I agree that it’s a valid point, it’s not really something I can so easily correct. I already say “um” in English without thinking, so to actively think about not saying “um” when speaking a foreign language actually hinders my speaking ability. It’s like all my thoughts are focused on not saying “um.”

Maybe it’s just a person tic of mine. I just find it amusing when the teachers say “if you say um, people will think you’re not fluent in Chinese.” Like, I’m pretty sure they know I’m not fluent as soon as I open my mouth, but I digress.

I know I shouldn’t complain; they’re just trying to help.

Rachel and I went to get lunch together. Now that school’s out, the cafeteria is empty. It’s so sad because the second floor is close, the Muslim restaurant is close, and only a select few stations are open.

Hannah, Korey, and Dianna joined us for lunch, so we sat and chatted for a while. Afterward, Hannah and I went to buy ice cream and then have a gossip session in the newspaper classroom.

Newspaper gave me a scare because I thought we were just having a debate about the refugee crisis, but then our teacher said “presentation.” Thankfully, Katey thought the same thing, and our teacher told us that if we wanted to have a debate, we could do that too.

I did a shit job today is basically what I’m saying. Also, the 空调 in our classroom keeps breaking.

During fuxi ke, our class just went to the classroom to work on homework and watch SNL videos. I ended up typing up my essay.

The RD meeting was rough because it was basically just everyone complaining, but we did have yummy snacks, so I’m not complaining.

Hannah and Korey came back to my room to work on presentations and then we got dinner with Kevin at 5:30—initially 5:20 until Hannah just forgot what time it was. I ended up getting something new (noodles in broth.) They weren’t bad.

After dinner, I sat in my room watching youtube videos, but I got bored, so I told Korey and Hannah to come to my room. My roommate ended up helping all of us with our presentations, and Korey kept asking me if I knew what he was saying. Like, clearly I don’t. You’re using very specialized vocabulary, and also I’m a dumbass.

At some point, we went to get milk tea from shiyi, and it was ok. It didn’t really have a flavor actually. I said it was 不错 and my roommate and Korey kept laughing at my pronunciation. Long story short, if I just think of the “ts” sound before I say the word, I do it correctly.

Hannah finally joined us after two hours, and we made her rehearse her presentation.

We parted ways at 11 ending with a “I think the three of us should just shower together joke.”

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