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China Day 33

Class was kind of a blur today. They came in and started filming us during drill one, but I wasn’t completely here, so catch me looking dumb.

During drill one, we started talking about coping mechanisms, and I said I use self-deprecating humor to cope with myself, but obliviously I didn’t know how to say that in Chinese, so I had to write it on the board. (自嘲幽默zichao youmo if anyone’s wondering.) Apparently, it’s not actually a thing in China, but a lot of young people understand it.

Long story short, I can’t spell, so I ended up misspelling “deprecating” and Yang Laoshi caught it. She then wrote it on the board correctly and said “wait, isn’t this your native language? How do you not know this?”

Bye bye.

I got lunch with my yuban because I couldn’t find another time to meet. We spent 30 minutes eating lunch and then spent the rest of time working on homework. I was dumb and accidentally read the wrong textbook lesson, which was so upsetting because I spent a good 15 minutes on that.

Newspaper class has me whipped. I literally don’t even have much to say about the refugee crisis in English, so you best believe I can’t say anything in Chinese. At some point, the teacher asked my opinion, and my mind went completely blank. I ended up saying “well Cayleigh said all there is to say. I can’t answer this question. This isn’t my major. I study film.” I know that that was not the answer I should give, but I really don’t have anything to say.

The question was “how should other countries help refugees?” Cayleigh said we should give them food, shelter, money, and aid. I’m not sure my Chinese is a high enough level to elaborate any more off of that, which is why I didn’t.

I had my yi dui yi, and that was a time and a half. I don’t know any film vocab in Chinese, so practicing my 报告 was rough. I did learn so new words though, and it took a lot of picture drawing to explain what I was trying to translate.

Since Yang Laoshi isn’t going to be here tomorrow, we had our fuxi ke at 3:30. It was kind of funny because I said “let’s go to review” and Daniel said, “have fun.” I then had to remind him that we are in the same class and have fuxi ke together. Good times.

Finally free, I headed back to the dorms and worked on my slides/report. I then sat around for a while because Hannah and Korey had to work on their group project. At some point, Mei texted in the big group if anyone had a mac charger, which I do, so I responded and said she could have mine. I forgot that she’s in the same group as Hannah and Korey, so when I brought her my charger, I ended up crashing their group meeting since dinner squad was planning on eating together after their meeting.

We didn’t end up leaving to get food until 8:45, and my roommate was not amused. I walked in, grabbed my stuff and left as she was yelling my curfew. We went to the Muslim restaurant on shidalu and ended up running into Holden and Kevin, so we all ate together.

Hannah and I stopped to get drinks at GCup, and I tried something new. It was a chocolate and nut drink, and it was so good. Hannah got an awesome blueberry cream cheese smoothie, which I will get next time.

Dinner was good, but I’m probably not going to get the noods again because they had the smallest kick to them. I just don’t like my lips tingling when I eat.

On the walk back to the school, I told Hannah I was going to make her comfortable enough to slap my butt. Basically, I was explaining that at all girl’s schools, it’s not uncommon for us to walk up to our friends, grab their butt, and say “what up bitch.”

Hannah accepted my challenge and said she’d slap my ass right now, so I let her. She forgot how strong she is though and ended up spanking me instead, so that was great.

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