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China Day 26

I don’t really know how I managed to remember my tingxie words because I only studied them for 30ish minutes, but I think I did okay.

Nothing really interesting happened in class. I got Hannah to make a tan tan, and then I made my own real tan tan because I didn’t want to bother Katey every time I wanted to check messages. Also, I didn’t want to troll people with my actual picture on the line.

I’m only on here to practice Chinese slang, but these boys are out here looking for dates. The first guy that messaged me asked me out to a movie and dinner, and then I ghosted him. I joked that if I were to go out with one of these dudes, I’d bringing Korey and Lauren along as body guards.

I also had a guy ask me if I would “like to make a boyfriend,” to which I said “find me the right man.” He then said “What about me?” and then I ghosted him. This is a common theme. I literally changed my tan tan to be “we can practice Chinese” and these boys are still out here.

We had our newspaper midterm today and I got up there and started talking about how I wanted to be a youtube star when I was younger. To stall for time, I showed people my first youtube video and then a video of me doing a Dan Howell impression. It got some good laughs, and my teacher appreciated my efforts.

Katey and Logan told me I actually did a good British accent, which shocked me because I thought it was shit. They then said it probably sounded good because we’ve been listening to Chinese for so long.

Cayleigh, Logan, Katey, and I went to get milk tea and then Katey, Logan, and I hung out in Katey’s room. We looked at some old photos of Logan, and then I showed them a picture of me when I was 11. Logan thought I looked 15, which only further proves my point that I don’t age.

At 6:30, Korey, Hannah, Katey, Logan, and I went to get noodles at the restaurant next to the Muslim café. I didn’t even eat most of my food, but Logan and Korey finished it off. I don’t understand how Korey ate his own bowl of noodles, plus some of mine, plus some of Katey’s.

After dinner, Hannah, Korey, and I went to go look for a made in China shirt for Hannah and I. We found it, but they didn’t have a size that fit us, and also, the shirt was uncomfortable, so not worth it. We bought some pastries and then went back to the dorms.

I worked on homework for the rest of the evening.

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