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China Day 24

I’m not sure happened to me last night while I was asleep, but I had my legs curled up, and I needed to stretch them, so I did. But as soon as I did that, I got extreme cramps shooting through my entire leg, so for a solid 30 seconds, I was just in immense pain. This happened several times throughout the night, so I was just generally uncomfortable.

Also, the craziest thing happened. So when I was scrolling through Instagram last night, I saw that one of my NSLIY friends was at Stage Door, which is the same camp that Irene’s at. I messaged her and told her, but assumed that she wouldn’t know him since they were in different productions. She asked if it was Will, and I said yes, and apparently, she’s friends with him! It’s a small world.

Originally, I planned to walk with Logan to get breakfast, but Yang Laoshi is a dictator, so I left instead of waiting because I was going to be late for class. As it turns out, I was 30 seconds late because she was already on word three of our tingxie and she gives us about 10 seconds per word. Also, Daniel stole my seat, which was unacceptable since I’ve sat there for literally every class for the past three weeks.

I asked him why he was in my seat and he just looked at me confused. Oh whale, I got to control the AC today. Also, Yang Laoshi used our misfortune to make fun of us. I told her how much it cost to hold a panda, and she used that situation as a grammar pattern. It was something like “you’re so poor you can’t even afford to hold a panda.”

Drill two was interesting because I looked over the prompts while everyone else was giving their presentation. It was about whether or not we want to be a stay at home mom or if we want to be a working woman. I said a working woman because I want to have my own income in case we divorce because I didn’t want to be dependent on someone else. My teacher was so confused because she was like: “why would you divorce your husband?” And all I could say was “you never know.”

I also told our drill two teacher that I wanted to have three children, but I didn’t want to give birth to them. We then started talking about how pregnancy is the worst thing (although she did not agree with me.) I said things like you get fat (because I don’t have to vocab to articulate what I want to say), your body hurts, and giving birth also hurts. I talked about how I’m not really into lactation and tried to explain that your nipples crack when your pregnant.

My teacher asked what I would do if my husband wanted to have kids that were his own, and I said he’d have to go through 14 hours of labor pain. I whipped out a try guys video and showed it to her, but I don’t think she understood. She ended up saying “you really want an equal relationship, don’t you?” And I was like: yes.

At some point, I said “can you imagine me pregnant? I’m too small for that.”

Eventually she told me to sit down, and I knew I had done my job.

Also, at the beginning of the class, she asked our trip to Chengdu was. Since the others went to Leshan, she asked what I did. I was trying to use everyone’s Chinese name (I know Korey and Kevin’s, so I was going for it), but I accidently said 课本 (keben) instead of 凯文 (kaiwen) and our teacher freaked out because she thought I hung out with by myself with Korey and a textbook all day. I didn’t even get a chance to say Holden’s name. I knew she was messing with me, so I decided to mess with her by pretending to leave the classroom.

This class is a riot.

Lunch squad 2.0 ate with Steven today, and at some point, he brought up the question of “do your roommates sometimes just not wear clothes?” We were kind of disturbed and asked what prompted this. Apparently, his roommate will just walked around naked after taking a shower, and I think that’s 真不好. I kind of died inside.

Newspaper class wasn’t bad because we’re talking about air pollution, and I actually know words to talk about the environment.

Katey and I went back to the dorms together and we sat and gossiped in my room for a while. We ended up creating a 探探 profile because I was telling her about how Korey created one so he could “learn Chinese slang.”

We wanted to use a fake picture, but the app caught onto that real quick, so I said we could just go ahead and use a picture of me. We got a lot likes within minutes of being on the app, and we even got super liked by some old guy. This app is hilarious.

We swiped right one some guy in a military uniform, and he actually swiped right on us as well. He ended up messaging us 哈喽, which is the lone word for “hello.” Now I get why you use a dating app to talk to people. You learn the good stuff.

We thought about responding, but then remember that the guy was in the military, and quickly realized “oh shit, we can’t catfish someone in the Chinese military.” We checked his profile, and he’s supposedly a “high ranking officer” so we closed that shit real fast. He later texted 人呢 which basically translates to “you there?”

The other guy that messaged us said 辣妹你很可爱 which means “sexy girl, you’re cute.” I wanted to respond with “thanks I know” but since it’s my actual picture, I wasn’t down for that. I asked my yuban what to say (I was going to meet with her and she came in during this episode) and she just said “say thanks and leave.”

Solid advice.

I worked on my homework with my yuban and then got dinner with Katey, Mei, and Kyla. Amanda and Faith going us to chat for a while as well.

The four of us went to get ice cream, and I got to talk more with Mei. I learned that she is also adopted and that she and Kyla have both have taken DNA test. The three of us have a bond since we’re adopted and only know about our genetics from a test.

I was going to go and study with them, but I’m most efficient by myself. I study the tingxie words and then decided to call Irene. We chatted for two hours with several of my friends popping into the conversation.

Towards the end, Logan actually joined me in the hall, and he, on his own accord said “your school sounds like the whitest place ever.” I’m here for that.

Irene had to go, so it was just me and Logan chilling in the hall. Korey joined us because he had just gotten back from meeting with his yuban.

We all just chatted about shit and then were joined by Shi Yi and Daniel for the briefest of moments.

Logan, Korey, and I sat in the hall for an hour looking at Instagram memes. At some point Shi Yi and I think Daniel’s roommate came into the hall and told us we were being too loud, but in my opinion, we weren’t. When the second person told us to shut up, we called it a night.

Not even two second in the door, my roommate starts criticizing me about what I was doing. I told her I was originally talking to a friend, but then Logan and Korey joined me. She said that we were too loud and that all her classmates were complaining because they have a test tomorrow.

This is the most BS thing I’ve ever heard because we weren’t even that loud; we were just laughing. Second of all, there are people at the end of the hall who have had loud ass parties well into the night on a weeknight. Third of all, Shi Yi and Daniel were literally screaming.

I’m out.

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