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China Day 12

Everything was per usual, but class was especially fun today. The 听写 was bad because she threw out words that we didn’t even have to study, but the second part of class was fun.

First of all, we had a whole conversation about period stigma in America vs China. This came into conversation when our teacher said her feet hurt. I told her that my back hurt, so she asked why. I didn’t know how to say PMS in Chinese, so I just said it was a 女人问题 (lady problem), and she got it immediately. She then said “same” and asked if I wanted to know how to say period in Chinese. 月经 in case anyone is wondering.

We talked about how Chinese people handle periods (ie no AC or cold water), and she asked if we openly discussed periods in America. I said that younger females were working to eliminate period stigma, but older generations find it to be a more private matter.

She asked if we talk about periods with guys, and I said that I would, but only if they were close guy friends/people I knew were “大男人” or “big boys.” That circumlocution though.

We then got on the conversation about time zones, and I got to teach my teacher that we have four main time zones in America, and then Hawaii and Alaska run on their own times. She said it was too complicated and said she liked China’s one time zone. I asked her what people in the west did since it would still be dark at 8:00 AM Beijing time. Apparently, their day is just shifted, so people don’t go to school until 10:00 AM.

The second class was also a lot of fun. We had to role play as a salesperson and a consumer. The sales person was trying to sell Chinese literature books. I was paired with Daniel and the conversation went along the lines of:

Me: Hey

Daniel: Hello?

Me: I know you study Chinese.

Daniel: Uh… how?

Me: Because right now we are speaking Chinese. I have a deal for you. I’m selling Chinese literature books, and if you buy them, your Chinese will improve. How does that sound?

Daniel: Oh, sorry, I’m a student so I don’t have money.

Me: That’s no problem. You can go to the bank and take out a loan. Afterward, you’ll gain credit, so then you can buy a car and a house! (This is funny because the previous lesson was all about taking out loans, and why young people in China take them out to buy cars and houses.)

Daniel: Wait, are you trying to sell me books or a car?

Me: Books, but if you don’t want your parents to hate you, you should buy your own place and stop living with them. So, you should buy my books by taking out a loan, and then afterward, buy a house and a car.

The bell rang, and I was ready to wrap this up because Daniel wasn’t budging, so I then “took his money”, “handed him a book”, and said:

“Oh, here’s the book. I have your money! Have a good day!”

And then we ended class. That was probably the most fun I’ve had with drill 2 thus far. Also, Hannah accidentally said she’d give Cayleigh a shot in the arm instead of a discount. While they were doing their role play, Cayleigh said she’d buy Hannah’s books for $100, but Hannah said that was too cheap. What she meant to say was “I’ll sell them to you at 80%”, but she said 80% off, so then she made the books $20, thus making them cheaper than what she originally asked for. The struggles of learning a foreign language.

Newspaper was more fun today as well because we talked about internet celebrities and I got to talk about Dan and Phil. I also told the teacher the only reason Tick Tock was more popular than Facebook and Instagram were because the government blocks them. She seemed shocked but laughed anyway.

My 一对一 was awkward because I actually understood all my homework, so I had to pretend I didn’t know what was happening so we could do something.

Also, right before, a teacher came up to me and asked if I was Hayley. I said yes, and she then asked if I knew that we were going to a movie set. She told me since I’m a film major she wants me to direct everyone and help out. I’m super excited, although I have no idea what I agreed to. I caught maybe 70% of what she was saying to me and inferred the rest, but never-the-less, I cannot wait.

I talked with Korey, Logan, and Katey in the hall for an hour, but then the later went to go hang out in the park. I ended up battling Korey in Mario Kart and we tied, although it was very stressful. I should have come in second, but he managed to fluff up, so I won.

I did my homework, and then we got dinner together. I had the same thing I had at lunch, but I’m not complaining because there’s bacon in my meal.

At 9:00 PM my time, I finally got to facetime, my friends. It was really nice to talk to them, and super weird to think about how we’re all scattered around the globe. I had Sophie and Olivia talk to my roommate in Chinese, and I glad to know we all understand the same level. So now I know it’s not me; it was my Chinese class. 没问题.

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