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Flight Details

During English, I received the exciting email revealing my flight itinerary. I texted it to my parents joking about my 6:00 AM flight, but instead of getting a "haha have fun waking up early text" I got "who's going to take you to the airport at 5:30 in the morning, and who's picking you up at midnight?"

Thanks parents. (I don't have my own car.)

I forgot that I wasn't departing on a weekend, so one of my parents would have to wake up early, haul my butt to the airport, and then have an awkward amount of time before work. My mom agreed to take me if my dad would pick me up, so fortunately for me, I will not be walking.

Here's something that's different though: I think I have to make my own arrangements to get from the airport in DC to the hotel. I don't think a representative is picking us up because they mentioned our stipend covers some transportation in DC. I've never urbered before because, quiet frankly, that scares me. I guess I'm going to have to get over my fears and figure it out. (Which will probably be my motto for this trip.)

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