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China Day 15

Long story short:

  • Wake up: 7:30, this is the latest I’ve slept in since I left Memphis

  • Breakfast: POTATOES, fried rice, and Chinese doughnuts

  • Boat: We went to an area that used to be a coal mine, but it collapsed and flooded, so now it’s a giant lake. We took a boat tour and saw some really pretty traditional Chinese architecture.

  • Tiny town: Again, I’m not too sure where we were, but it was similar to the “China in the 1950s” place. There were tones of shops and tones of things that represented Chinese culture. I can’t really put any of this into words, so I’ll let the pictures do the talking.

  • Lunch: This man kept giving me more and more fish. I think I ate some bones. Why do fish have so many tiny bones?

  • Car ride: I slept through 50% of the car ride back to Nanjing. Also I had a phone scare because my phone randomly decided to turn itself off and then heat up to like 9000 degrees. It was okay, but my battery was drained. Thankfully there was a phone charger and a hot spot so the 2 hours that I was awake we’re too bad.

  • Dinner: We ate at a restaurant by the apartment and the food was so good. I had fried dumplings and fried rice.

  • Phone calls: After I unpacked, I got to facetime some friends which was nice

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