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China Day 5

I’m so proud of myself because today I woke up at 6:30!! I’m making progress!

I think I’m going to start doing a “long story short” type list for the mundane parts of life because honestly no one needs to read a paragraph and a half about the time I woke up and the food I had for breakfast.

So, long story short:

  • Breakfast: tomato and egg sandwich (they gave me the bread butt) and some kind of soup. I’m pretty sure there was a duck lung or stomach in there, but honestly, I’m not going to ask.

  • Walk to school: I tried to leave by myself, but my host sister actually came along with me today! I exited the station by myself, but she rode the train with me. I think tomorrow I will actually go all the way by myself.

  • Class: Getting better.

  • Culture class: Chinese folk songs

  • Dinner: Beijing BBQ, shrooms, (jk), duck soup (again), some kind of pretzel bread, more cucumbers (I did this to myself rip), and CORN ON A CHOPSTICK (basically corn on the cob). My host family ate their corn with their hands, so idk why my host mom felt the need to put mine on a chopstick. It was pretty funny though.

Also, I finally put my communication skills to good use, because now my host sister and I have plans to meet up with some of my classmates to go shopping this weekend. We’re also going to go to KTV which I’m really excited about.

I’m finally feeling well adjusted to Chinese culture and part of the family. My parents joke with me more and my host dad asks me how to say English words and phrases. It’s actually pretty fun trying to explain English in Chinese and good practice.

It’s hard to believe it’s been a week since I first left Memphis, and still surreal that I’m actually in China

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