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OPI Wanna Die

I finished my OPI, and I did not expect to be sweating by the end of it. It wasn't even that it was hard, but I just absolutely HATE talking on the phone to strangers (especially in a foreign language rip). I'm just a really awkward person, and being on the phone only magnifies that because the other person can't see my face. Also, I use humor and self-deprecating jokes to deal with myself, and that's not really an option when speaking in Chinese. Mainly because I'm dumb and don't know enough Chinese to do that so rip me.

Also, something that I should mention: so my OPI wa scheduled for 3:30, and they ended up calling me around 3:18. I was so ready to get this over with, but the woman on the phone seemed to have a Spanish accent. I was slightly confused, but rolled with it. She then proceeded to tell me: Sorry, we're really backed up at the moment. Can we recall you at 4:00?

Not a big deal considering I have nothing to do all day except study for my AP Comparative exam, and to be honest, I've been having a hard time focusing. So it wasn't that I was annoyed or anything, it's just that I'd have to answer the phone again. This seriously should not be a phobia of mine, but it is.

I did record my OPI however (still not sure if that's legal) and I edited parts of it together. I did release like four of the questions they asked me, but that's only because OPIs and not the same for everyone. It's a conversation, so the topics will pertain to how you answer the previous questions. She asked me how I got my Chinese name because I stated that I had one. They won't ask about that topic if it isn't relevant to you. At least, that's how I'm justifying this recording.

Second, I didn't include the role play (mainly because I'm lazy and hate adding subtitles). I think over-all I did pretty well; there were only a few times I had to tell her I didn't understand what she was saying. For the most part I was able to ask her to repeat the question and the second time around I understood what she was asking.

The best part though was at the end when I'm pretty sure she told me: "This is the end of the interview. Goodbye." And I thought she was still asking me questions so I asked her to repeat herself. I was so confused and tried to respond and finally she just goes: "you're done" in English.

So overall not bad. I just hate phone calls.

(Please ignore the typos in the subtitles; I'm really bad at spelling and Adobe Premiere doesn't have spell check :D)


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