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China Day 55

Today is our last official day of class! I can’t believe it’s over, and the only thing we have left is our final test. This summer has gone by way too quick. In exactly one week, I’ll start my sophomore year of college. I feel like I haven’t had a summer vacation, but in the same regard, it feels like I’ve been gone forever. I didn’t even realize how much I missed Kristin and Janesha until they were texting me yesterday. When I think about what my sophomore year of college will bring, it makes me want to go back. I just wish I had a little more time.

I met Telijah and Rachel on the elevator down and we walked together to class. When we arrived, I had the 201 class move into our room so we could give the cakes to our teachers together. Apparently, class started at 9:00, and no one told us, so we were just sitting in the classroom for 20 minutes waiting.

When Yang Laoshi did arrive, we asked her if we could bring Li Laoshi in our room for a second, and it was kind of funny because she agreed without hesitation. She came in, and then we presented them with their slice of chocolate cake, which Yang Laoshi was super excited about.

She laughed and said something along the lines of “you guys know I really love chocolate” and Li Laoshi responded with “Wait, aren’t you on a diet?” I love them.

So, yesterday, Yang Laoshi told us the story of how she doesn’t eat ice cream that much anymore because one time she ate 9 bowls of it in one sitting and ended up throwing up. When we gave her the cake, she asked how we knew she’d want cake, and Rachel responded with “well, we knew you wouldn’t want ice cream.”

Fucking savage.

We took a bunch of photos, and then the 300 class presented Yang and Li Laoshi with our own gift, which was just a picture of our class with them. We all signed the back and in the center, I wrote 我们爱你,也会想你!I think Yang Laoshi wanted to cry but didn’t. She really is an awesome teacher despite her roasting us literally every single day.

Class was just one big fuxi ke, which wasn’t so bad. It was actually kind of chill, and surprisingly, I think I understood most of the grammar.

Our breaks actually started on time and lasted a good 20 minutes.

When lunch rolled around, we went to the Muslim restaurant and I got my cold noodles, which were very spicy today. Oh whale. Danni joined us for lunch for the first time, so we got to talk a little 300 class photo.

Before we went back to class, we stopped by the cake shop so we could get the newspaper teachers a cake. I ended up buying a bunny cake for Li Laoshi and a chocolate cake for myself because I’m fat.

Katey, Logan, Cayleigh, and I had a funny chat about how the CLS people should start disciplining us for breaking the language policy. We joked that they should spray us with water like they do with cats when their bad. I said that sounded more like a reward than a punishment considering how hot it is. I can’t remember who said it, but I think Logan was like “it’s actually boiling water that they spray you with” and I think I actually lost it.

We gave Li Laoshi her cake, and she made sure to take lots of pictures with it. She’s so cute.

I thought my newspaper report was going to talk longer, but it turns out I speak really fast, so it ended after like 4 minutes. I think Li Laoshi was waiting for me to continue, so when I stopped, there was just a really awkward silence.

Since we had ten minutes left of class, we spent it taking some really cute photos.

After newspaper, I waited for my yi dui yi. Since I didn’t have homework tonight, I didn’t really have anything to do expect pretend to look over the grammar and talk with Li Laoshi. We ended up talking about my time in Nanjing and learning languages. I said I used to take Spanish, but I thought it was too hard, so I switched to Chinese.

At 3:45, we had our RD meeting, and Korey, Kevin, Hannah, and I all sat on runescape. I had to buy new armor since I fucking died last time playing, but thankfully, I actually had enough money on me. Korey said he’d replace the money I spent, so I’m going to hold him to that.

I don’t really remember what happened in the RD meeting, but I know we talked about the plan for tomorrow and Saturday. Graduation should be interesting to say the least.

Also, the movie we filmed was ready, but the file was really big, so Phil said if we wanted it, we’d need to come to his office. I had Hannah come with me, and we waited for ten years as the file slowly downloaded from Phil’s computer to a flash drive.

I ended up asking everyone when the last time they sad cried was, and when I called for Phil, I ended up saying “Philly” and his response was “probably when you just called me Philly.” Poor guy.

But, it turns out the last time he sad cried was when his girlfriend broke up with him. I asked him to give me the tea about his Chinese girlfriend from Shanghai, but first, I had to explain what “give me the tea meant.”

Long story short, Chinese girls have a bunch of weird expectations when it comes to dating.

So, we finally got the movie on a flash drive, and the introduction was legit. Honestly, that’s probably why it took them so long to edit. The color correction was actually really nice and pretty, but it was not consistent from scene to scene. Also, they had to do some real weird sound transitions to make it appear less shit? Idk it was still off. Also, they didn’t sync the audio properly. Not complaining considering what they had to work with though lol.

We were going to walk about, but a literal hurricane was happening outside. Hannah and I didn’t even realize how bad it was until we walked outside and saw that the street had become a literal river. We ended up taking our shoes and socks off because there was an inch to two inches of water in the street, and it actually smelt like sewage.

Walking back was not fun at all.

Originally, we wanted to go to shidalu, get some drinks, and then study, but that wasn’t happening anymore since it was flooding. Literally, trees were falling, and Olivia’s room got flooded, so they had to move rooms 2 days before we leave, which is just massively inconvenient. But anyway, Hannah and I ended up having my roommate help us order waimai.

She was getting us a lot of food, so I jokingly said, let’s just throw our leftovers at Korey, but my roommate misinterpreted my English and said “oh good, Korey’s eating with us.” So, I awkwardly texted our group and was like “yo…you want din din?”

I knew Korey and Kevin were already out eating dinner, but thankfully both of them have eaten second dinners before so nbd. Again, the three of us are a package deal and I can’t mention Hannah or Korey’s names without them getting dragged into whatever I’m doing.

Shiyi came in while we were sitting studying and gave us a really nice card. Unfortunately, I can’t read Chinese handwriting that well, but the parts I could read were really nice. I wish I had actually gotten to know her a bit better because the card was super sweet.

The group chat was going wild as we were all talking about the rain. I told Hannah I was glad this didn’t happen Saturday or we would have missed our flight and had been sad. Crazy enough, as soon as I said that, Deanna sent that in the group chat.

Also, I can’t breathe because all the gunk is clogging my nose. I asked the group if anyone had cough drops with menthol in them, and Korey ended up tossing a bag in my room while Hannah and my roommate were getting the waimai. I told Korey to just come in my room since they were going to be back in less than two minutes, but he said to “text him.” Extra.

So, two minutes later, we got our food, and Korey played runescape while eating.

At some point, Shiyi came in panicked because Logan’s roommate was having a panic attack? Basically, they needed someone to help get him back to school, so Korey left me in charge of his laptop to kill sand crabs on runescape.

Let me tell you, some people are hoes, because someone kept killing my sand crabs, so I had to find another part of the beach to take over. And then, I got yelled at by another player for taking his sand crabs, ugh.

When Korey did come back, we watched the movie we filmed and just made fun of everyone in the background.

At 9:00, we practiced our performance for an hour and then went back to our rooms.

Problem: the elevator is broken, so that meant I had to walk up 10 flights of stairs. It was like huashan all over.

I was going to study, but I spent some time packing my bag for tomorrow, and Hannah came into my room to use my program phone hotspot. We chatted for a bit, she backed up her wechat, and then I went to her room to get water.

I studied some more, and then called it a night.

I’m ready to go home.

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