Since I didn’t go to bed until 2:00 last night, I set my alarm for 9:30, and I was still tired when I woke up. I did force myself to wake up though because I didn’t want to sleep the day away.
I pretty much stayed in bed, studied for the tingxie for about 30 minutes, and then played Runescape.
Since Hannah and Korey had already gotten lunch by the time I was ready to eat (traitors), I went to the 超市 to buy some junk food to hold me over until dinner. It was then I remembered that the 超市 sells instant noods (Idk how I forgot that one), so I got some beef noods, a pomegranate tea, and some wine pocky.
10/10 would recommend for all three snack items. (Also, the line was long as hell today. I probably stood in line for 10 minutes waiting for people to check out.)
My roommate low key (but also high key roasted me) when she saw the container of instant noods on the desk. She was like “why would you eat that??” Like let me live; yalls raman is actually good and comes with more than just a flavor packet.
I played more Runescape, and accidentally fell asleep in the process. I woke up with my phone paying a try guys video and my laptop screen saying I had been logged out of the game. Good times.
Korey and I got dinner together since Hannah was meeting with her yuban. We ran into Faith and she joined us. The three of us had a good conversation about language learning and the different types of language learning there are.
Korey explained that people who are better at listening to Chinese are more apt to be stronger language learners while people who are better at reading and writing generally have better study habits. It’s because you can practice reading and writing independently, but you can’t really apply practical listening to a language outside of a classroom setting unless you immerse yourself in the language.
After din din, we went back to the dorms, and as soon as we got into the elevator, Korey mentioned that he wanted ice cream, so we went back down to the first floor. We tried to get Hannah to come with, but she was still talking with her yuban.
We went to shidalu to get the 2 yuan ice cream and we ran into Mike, Adam, and their yubans. They had just gotten back from their first KTV experience, and I really wanted to make an “aw they took your KTV virginity” joke, but I’m not close enough with Mike or Adam for that so rip me.
On the walk back, Korey and I talked about the KTV experience. Kevin had a really good time and said he’d go back with us this weekend. Korey said that he had fun because he and Kevin had similar music styles (and also Kevin had a lot of 白酒), which meant he could have fun with it. Basically, he’ll sing with other people. I’m glad he had fun since his attitude toward KTV has always seemed like a hard no to me. I know Korey’s going to take credit for Kevin having a good time, but I’m also taking credit.
We also talked about how we’re probably going to do a KTV with just Americans so we don’t have to sit through their songs. Again, it’s not that they’re bad, but they all sound the same. Of course, western pop songs follow the same four chord progression, but we did a mixture of pop, rap, rock, etc. The Chinese roommates all did the same genre of music, and they didn’t even want to finish their own songs. Like they’d get part way through and be like “okay next.” Some of them were even playing on their phones during their songs.
What I’m saying is, it got to the point where I kind of just predicted the melody and read the characters I could; that’s how predictable the songs are.
To reiterate, this isn’t to shit on the roommates in any way; I had some much fun, but KTV is something you have to get into to have the most fun.
Also, unimportant, but Korey understood what I was hinting at when I said: “don’t text the big group” for our KTV outing. He just didn’t want his roommate to be the only Chinese person there, so we’re Gucci. I did not appear like an asshole last night.
We ran back into Adam and Mike, so we chatted with them for a bit and then walked back to the dorms.
Korey came into my room to play Runescape and then Hannah joined a few minutes later. We also made Korey take a colorblind test. I always forget that he is colorblind, so whenever he makes a color mistake it throws me off for a second. I tried to ask him what colors look like to him, which admittedly is a stupid question.
I think the most interesting thing about the colorblind test was that Korey was able to guess on some of the questions and get them right. I think he’s just gotten good at taking those/has good inferential skills. He’s smarter than he lets on.
We runescapped until 10:00ish and then parted ways.