Long story short:
Wake up: 6:45
Breakfast: peach, peanut milk, and some kind of pancake?
Lunch: I went to skyways with lunch squad + Anushka and Ben. I really don’t have to money to be eating out, but here we are. I ended up getting a chicken salad sandwich and a sprite.
Seal cutting: We got to watch a teacher make a dog stamp out of stone. It was super cool. Tomorrow we get to cut our own.
KTV: How many times have I been to KTV? Apparently not enough. Jessica, Anushka, Mae, Sam Chan, Saimu, Ben, Peter, and I all went to meet up with Jessica’s host sister and her friends. Margie and Ben’s cool neighbor ended up joining us later in the night. It was pretty fun.
Dinner: Everyone excluding Jessica, Margie, and Ben’s neighbor went out for noodles after KTV. We found this really cool area that had a lot of restaurants. For a while, we walked around blindly as we tried to figure out where the noodle place was. While searching, we got stopped by a guy in a wheel chair, because he wanted to take a photo with us. The most concerning part about the whole ordeal was that the guy actually got up from his wheel chair in order to stop us. But getting to the actual dinner, the noodles were good, but the plum drink was better. That is the move. Also, I’m glad I didn’t order what Sam Chan and Anushka ordered (because I almost did) since Anushka wouldn’t drop it about what meat she was eating. Sam told her it was intestine.
Zifeng Tower: I finally know what the name of the tallest building in Nanjing is called. Everyone was walking to the subway station, and I thought that the one near Zifeng tower would be closer (tbh I can’t tell if it was, but it probably wasn’t). I don’t remember the walk being that far the last time Jessica and I went from KTV but apparently it was long enough for Sam Chan to doubt me and ask for directions twice. It actually turned out to be a good idea though, because I took everyone excluding Sam Chan (because he had to go home) to tour the place. The best part was that we actually got access to the 78th floor restaurant and got to take some sick night photos of the city. It was totally worth staying out late instead of studying for the 听写.