Long story short:
Wake up: I’m sleeping to my alarm!!!
Breakfast: fried rice, peach, and walnut milk
My day is ruined: I got fricking killed this morning by Helena and I’m so upset. I had to be killed with a cell phone while around some Koreans and damn it why were those Koreans in the lobby this morning??? Also, I thought we were safe until noon, but that was also wrong. Ugh.
Class: Orion (director over China I think?) was at our school today, so class was a lot more formal than usual.
Lunch: I went back to Skyway because we only had an hour lunch break today (it’s a 15 minute walk to the cafeteria), and I really did not feel like making the trek to the lunch room. I ended up having cake for lunch because I needed something sweet. Also, I let Prindle order his food before me, because he wanted actual food. I stood next to him as he tried to hand the lady his order, and she ended up turning to me because she wanted to tell Prindle something. I was confused at first and awkwardly said: um this is his thing… It took me too long to realize that she was speaking to me instead of Prindle simply because he’s white and I’m not. This girl thought that he couldn’t speak Chinese, so she turned to me instead. Tbh it’s an honest mistake in a restaurant meant for westerners.
IOPP: I gave my final IOPP today and I’ve never been so relieved in my life. The only thing I have to worry about now is the mid-tern and the final. Also, someone told me that they were glad Orion (important NSLIY guy) was there because it made us look better. I actually got told my IOPP was good, which makes me really happy considering I threw it together in a fit of rage Monday night.
Cultural class: We tied knots for a few minutes before our teacher disappeared lol.
Tallest building: There’s no keeping me away. I took Jessica and Prindle this time.
Being awkward: Jessica really wanted milk tea, so we attempted to find a Coco and failed. We walked into what we thought was a mall (thanks Jessica) in hopes of finding a Coco, but it turned out it was a phone store. I got spoken to and just walked away because I didn’t feel like dealing. The three of us looked at some phones, set off some alarms, and then left in fear. It’s really good being put in an awkward situation with awkward people. Tbh we could have communicated fine since Prindle’s practically fluent in Chinese, but he doesn’t really like speaking to people. We already know I’m about as useful as a sack of potatoes, and Jessica knows the least amount of Chinese out of the three of us. We’re a great team.
Home: I studied for the mid-term.
Dinner: Something that tasted like bacon (for all I know it could have been the pig feet), rice, tomatoes, and POTATOES. I’ve never been happier. This was actually the best home-cooked meal I’ve ever had.